Summer Time Series: Day One, Diva Fly Shades

Hello Divas!

I hope your life is just wonderful!  Regardless of what you are going through, life is beautiful.  Keep living and striving and it gets better!

This week I am doing a What's Hot for Summer Series.  Basically, I will feature the latest and greatest styles in swimwear, accessories, shoes, and fashion.  Today I am going to feature some smoking hot shades that every Diva should consider rocking this summer.  Here are my top 3:

Oversize Mirrored Aviators

These shades are a classic and "Carrie" from SATC2 just brought this Diva shade back into fashion.  They scream Diva, Super Cool, and Mysterious!

Cat Eye Shades

I personally think Cat Eye Shades are making a comeback.  These Persol Cat Eye Shades are gorgeous!  I love the print!  Simply Divalicous!

White Oversize Shades

I just do not believe these will ever go out of style.  I had a fabulous pair of white oversize square shades and I lost them.  They were so sick!  Pair these with a scarf wrapped around your head and a drop top sports car?  Va Va Voom!
