What is the baggy method?

The baggy method is exactly how it sounds an hair care method that includes a bag. The options for the baggy method include a full head baggy method, sometimes referred to as the Greenhouse Effect, or the ponytail only baggy method.

The overall purpose of the baggy method is to promote hair growth by locking in moisture. When baggying your ends only, after moisturizing them, length retention is promoted because the ends are not breaking and splitting due to dryness.

There is a difference between the baggy method and the greenhouse effect. The baggy method typically requires you to use a moisturizer whereas the greenhouse effect encourages your body heat and natural oils to moisturize your hair.

I have not tried the greenhouse effect but I have done the baggy method when my hair was extremely dry. It gave me immediate moisture but the results are temporary. When dealing with cases of extreme dryness I  would highly recommend regular conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner.

In simple terms, how do you do the baggy method?
On hair that has been washed and conditioned you can apply a leave-in or additional moisturizer of your choice, put on a shower cap, and then secure into place with an elastic headband.
On dry hair, apply a moisturizer (or conditioner), put on a shower cap/plastic cap, and then secure into place with an elastic headband.
The length of time that you choose to baggy is up to you just keep in mind that too much of a good thing can be harmful.

Click on the links within this post to see images of the Baggy Method.