Pre Pooing is applying oil or conditoner to your hair before shampooing. Poo is short for shampoo. Pre Pooing is used to protect your hair from harsh cleansers in shampoo that can cause hair dryness. Another benefit is conditioning.
There are soooo many oils, emolients, and conditioners that one could use to pre-poo their hair. I say choose your favorite and give it a go. There are some who pre poo with conditioners for 1-8 hours. Then shampoo. Then that't it. Others will pre poo, shampoo, then deep condition. Some use protein conditioners and other use moisturizing conditioners. You could even add honey and glycerin to your pre poo. There is no one right way. I say know your hair. Get to know what it needs at that moment. Then choose your pre poo. That's if you want to do it at all. For a pre poo with conditioners, I've heard it's not good to go beyond 8 hours.
I choose to pre poo with oils only. Well most of the time. Sometimes I will add honey. I make sure I use oils that penetrate the hair shaft. Oils such as, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Emu Oil, Avocado Oil and Amla Oil. That's just to name a few.
I use a mixture Amla Oil by, EV Coconut Oil, EV Olive Oil, and essential oils. I combine them in an applicator bottle. I use the applicator bottle to apply the oil to my scalp only. Then I massage for at least 3 minutes. While massaging I finger comb by hair to loosen any tangles and allow the oil to reach my ends. I place a plastic/shower cap on my head, do housework or write posts. I pre poo from 2-12 hours. With oils I dont have to worry about how long the oils are left in my hair. It's just oils. After pre pooing I shampoo or cowash, deep condition and last moisturize. Then back to protective styling.
Pre pooing has benefited me greatly. It has stopped the dryness I had after shampooing. No more dry hair means that I can retain my growth. It has also stregthened my hair. The Amla Oil that I use has a mass of ingredients that are known to stregthen and condition hair.
I use my pre poo mix twice a week. On Tuesdays, when I cowash and Saturdays, when I shampoo.
Another Amla oil I am going to try next is Dabur Vatika Coconut Oil. I cant wait to get it and use it. I heard wonderful things about it. It has some great ingredients and I heard there isn't any mineral oil in this one. Amla oil does not contain mineral oil either. If you tried Dabur Vatika, give me a review of the product.
L.A.D.Y STORE has a wealth of hair products available to you.
How to Pre Poo
Amla Oil,
Coconut Oil,
How To Pre Poo,
Olive Oil,
Pre Poo,
Vatika Oil